I Get by with a Little Yarn from my Friends
I've made some progress in the Sockapalooza world- I have achieved yarn!
I was detailing my sockpal's preference for deep blues and purples to the Subway Knitter a couple of weeks ago and she informs me that she has the perfect match. One week later, and Voila!, some Claudia Handpainted Yarn with all my sockpal's preferences for color.

Colleen, you're the best! Now i'm in search for a good pattern. This will clearly be a darkly variegated yarn so I don't want anything with intricate stitching that will get washed away. My pal is also in a warm climate so i think knee socks would be impractical. I've been enjoying seeing everyone else's choices on the knit pligg so I may be stealing some ideas soon. Unless the Subway Knitter wants to do this for me as well??